IRS Zip Code Data - Oklahoma
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Internal Revenue Services aggregate data on individual income tax returns filed with the IRS.
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Internal Revenue Services aggregate data on individual income tax returns filed with the IRS.
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Selected Economic Characteristics for the United States tracked by the American Community Survey (ACS).
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Median household income in the past 12 months (in 2021 inflation-adjusted dollars)
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This Census table shows poverty status in the past 12 months by males within an age group and by females within an age group. Data in the link provided is filtered by Oklahoma and Tulsa counties.
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S1702 Poverty Status in the Past 12 months of families. The data shows poverty status in the following ways: by families with related children of certain ages, by race, by employment, by government benefits received, by educational attainment, by number of people in family, by income, by tenure (rent or own status of home). The Census dashboard allows users to filter by geography and year. Data in the link provided is filtered by Tulsa County, but additional filters are available.
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B17022 - Ratio of income to poverty level in the past 12 months of families by presence of related children under 18 years and by age of related children
The Census dashboard allows users to filter by geography and year. The data in the link provided is filtered by Tulsa County, but additional filters are available.
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The data in the link provided shows Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for Tulsa County.
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9b developed a Financial Resilience Index which utilizes data from multiple sources. The following list is a breakdown of the sources used for each statistic in the index.
Median Household Income - Census: American Community Survey: B19013 Median Household Income
Employment Rate - Census: American Community Survey: C23002 Sex by Age by Employment Status
Educational Attainment - Census: American Community Survey: B15001 Sex by Age by Educational Attainment
Health Insurance Coverage - Census: American Community Survey: S2701 Selected Characteristics of Health Insurance Coverage
Mortgage Status - Census: American Community Survey: B25081 Mortgage Status
Cost Burden of Homeowners and Renters - Census: American Community Survey: B25105 Median Monthly Housing Costs and B19013 Median Household Income
Note: For financial resources, we use median household income. Other known resources include federal and state assistance programs such as SNAP. Currently, data at the tract level, over the time frame examined, is not available to include financial resources not captured in the Census income questions, so SNAP is excluded from the index.
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This Census table shows total households tenure by vehicles available within the past year at the time of data collection. The data can be broken down by owner occupied, renter occupied, and age.