- Last updated: Nov. 14, 2024
- Categories:
- Research By: 9bCorp
- Research Type: Community Study
Source: We All Count
Nonprofit doesn't always know the ages of children in the families they serve so numbers may be higher than what is collected.
Funders can see the number of kids they are supporting. Nonprofit can show funders where they can scale with more funding to meet the needs of the community. Community members will benefit if resources are allocated according to their needs. The cycle of poverty can be intercepted for 0-8 children.
Help nonprofit show how much they are helping real needs and where more funding is necessary to meet the rest of the community needs.
Show the gap between kids 0-8 in poverty served by nonprofit versus total in the community. Clearly present the data to the nonprofit so they can use the information to present to funders and other stakeholders.
Not discussed.
The nonprofit. The funders who needed to see the information.
STCH Food Bank Manager, ACS community data
Tract; Kids Served; Kids 0-8 below poverty
What is the number of kids 0-8 in poverty in the STCH service area? What are the gaps between the kids served by STCH and those 0-8 in poverty in the STCH service area? Which tracts have the highest need?
Compared the STCH service numbers to the most recent ACS data
Putting all kids 0-8 living in poverty into one category
Tract level changes the data? Breaking out the data based on smaller age ranges, sex, race, ethnicity would add additional insights.
kids in poverty
Raw data is available for the ACS data, and aggregate numbers by tract for the nonprofit data.
Basic story about gaps. Not coming to any conclusions or making assumptions about causation.
The STCH data can be updated on a monthly basis as their monthly report is updated. The ACS data can only be updated once a year when that information is updated.
There was no branding.
Interactive dashboard
The nonprofit gave feedback on the dashboard via emails and verbally.
Not currently, but possible to make additions so there are other options.
No copyright issues
Raw data is available for the ACS data, and aggregate numbers by tract for the nonprofit data.
As long as the client maintains access to the dashboard
A highschool reading level but no specific training
The dashboard is stored on a 9b license, but the data itself is owned by nonprofit or ACS.