Census - American Community Survey - B07004 Geographical Mobility by Race and Ethnicity
This Census table shows the population that has moved residences within the past year at the time of data collection and includes disaggregates for race and ethnicity (tables A-I). Note: The link provided is associated with B07004A, but additional tables for race and ethnicity can be found using the search feature.
Mobility data is used for "planning government programs and adjusting other important geographic data as people move." This type of data also helps to estimate changes in population, which can be used "in funding decisions, to ensure surveys are accurate, to understand change in other data, and to produce official international migration estimates." (Source: https://www.census.gov/acs/www/about/why-we-ask-each-question/migration/)
Survey, via mail to specific addresses
American Community Survey (ACS)
U.S. Census Bureau
3.5 million addresses nationwide are randomly selected each year to respond to the American Community Survey. More information about sample sizes, including the Oklahoma sample size each year, are available here: https://www.census.gov/acs/www/methodology/sample_size_and_data_quality/
Random sampling method of data collection on a rotating basis, participants are legally obligated to answer all questions as accurately as possible. Privacy is protected by the Census Bureau. There is a 90% margin of error for the ACS in general, however, there is also a unique margin of error for each statistic.
The data is publicly available and may be used for cross-community comparisons by the public, journalists, educators, businesses, and various government and nonprofit agencies.
ACS does not explain how it defines or why it uses particular categories, other than to understand them better for service and program delivery and funding.
American Community Survey and U.S. Census Bureau
American Community Survey and U.S. Census Bureau
American Community Survey and U.S. Census Bureau