Adult Education
Inspired by Christ’s merciful love, the mission of the Adult Education program is to create a supportive learning environment where every adult can gain the knowledge and skills to build brighter futures and stronger communities.
Summer Food Service Program
A federally recognized program that provides free meals to children during the summer months when they cannot access free and reduced-price lunches at school.
Backpack Program
Distributes snacks and easy-to-prepare foods to students every Friday to supplement weekend meals at home when they cannot access school meals.
School Pantry Program
Offers ready-to-eat food onsite at schools to help students through the day and also offers groceries for the whole family to prepare food at home during the week.
Kids' Cafe
Kids' Cafe serves free meals to kids after school, on the weekends, and during the
summer. The meals are paired with after school educational programming.
School Preparedness
Education is a powerful tool to break the cycle of poverty and Restore Hope's "Project School Supplies" helps provide those tools to assist students in need. In 2023, Restore Hope provided supplies to 1,135 students from Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade in public schools in Tulsa County.