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School Enrollment: Children


Source: Census - American Community Survey - B14003 School Enrollment Ages 3+

Denominator: Total Children Ages 3+

This statistic provides an estimate of the number of children ages 3-17 enrolled in school by combining the data from Census table set B14003. The percentage is calculated by dividing this value by the total population ages 3-17. To estimate the total population ages 3-17 for the race and ethnicity disaggregates, since they used different tables (B14007 numerator and B01001 denominator), we added age categories provided by the Census, using 40% of the value for ages 0-4 to exclude ages 0-2.

Note: Percentages above 100% are due to estimates by the Census and the use of multiple tables in the calculation.

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School Enrollment: Preschool


Source: Census - American Community Survey - B14003 School Enrollment Ages 3+

Denominator: Total Children under the Age of 5

This metric shows preschool-aged children enrolled in preschool. The percentage is calculated by dividing the number of children enrolled in public or private preschools by the estimated number of preschool-aged children. This estimate is described below. We used Census table B14003 to disaggregate by gender and B14007 to disaggregate by race.

Note: To estimate the total population ages 3-5, we used 40% of the value for ages 0-4 provided by the Census to exclude ages 0-2. However, this measure does have some limitations. Some 5 year-old children are still in preschool. Additionally, to calculate disaggregates, we needed to mix Census tables. Because these are estimates, the numerator and denominator of this measure may not always line up perfectly and some percentages may exceed 100%.

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Household Technology: Computer and Internet


Source: Census - American Community Survey - B28009 Presence of a Computer and Type of Internet Subscription

Denominator: Total Households

The total number of households with a computer and internet subscription was found by adding the number of households with a computer and broadband internet subscriptions and those with a computer and dial-up internet subscriptions. Percentages were found by dividing this total by the total number of households, according to U.S. Census estimates. The disaggregated data by race and ethnicity is from Census table B28009.

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Household Technology: Computer


Source: Census - American Community Survey - B28009 Presence of a Computer and Type of Internet Subscription

Denominator: Total Households

This metric shows households with at least one computer according to U.S. Census estimates. The percentage is calculated by dividing this number by the total number of households.

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Educational Attainment: Bachelor's Degree


Source: Census - American Community Survey - S1501 Educational Attainment

Denominator: Total population over 18

This statistic shows the population 18 years or older with a Bachelor's degree or higher according to the U.S. Census estimates. Because this calculation uses totals from multiple tables, there is some margin of error.

Race and ethnicity disaggregates are from Census table S1501, and gender disaggregates are from Census table B15001.

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Births: Pregnant Teens


Source: CDC - Wonder - Natality

This metric shows the percentage of women ages 19 and below who are pregnant. It is calculated by dividing the total number of teenage women who are pregnant by the total number of teenage women. For more information about the age categories used, see the note below.

Notes: Data is only available at the county level and cannot be mapped by tract. Because we used two different sources to create this metric, the age categories do not perfectly match. The age categories we used from CDC (numerator) are ages 19 and below, while the categories we used from Census (denominator) are ages 10-19.


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College Readiness: FAFSA Application Start to Completion


Source: Federal Student Aid

Denominator: Submitted FAFSA Applications

This statistic shows the FAFSA application completion rate from start to completion among high school students in Tulsa area public school districts. The data excludes private and charter schools. Completion rate is calculated by dividing the number of completed (non-rejected) FAFSA applications by the number of submitted (including rejected or incomplete) FAFSA applications and multiplying by 100.

Insufficient Data

Private - details hidden
Testing Proficiency: English Language Arts

This statistic is visible only to select organization members.