School Enrollment: Preschool
Source: Census - American Community Survey - B14003 School Enrollment Ages 3+
Denominator: Total Children under the Age of 5
This metric shows preschool-aged children enrolled in preschool. The percentage is calculated by dividing the number of children enrolled in public or private preschools by the estimated number of preschool-aged children. This estimate is described below. We used Census table B14003 to disaggregate by gender and B14007 to disaggregate by race.
Note: To estimate the total population ages 3-5, we used 40% of the value for ages 0-4 provided by the Census to exclude ages 0-2. However, this measure does have some limitations. Some 5 year-old children are still in preschool. Additionally, to calculate disaggregates, we needed to mix Census tables. Because these are estimates, the numerator and denominator of this measure may not always line up perfectly and some percentages may exceed 100%.
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